Meet Tanya Kapler
My journey started after a late night ER visit, where I arrived complaining of pain in my lower pelvic area and unexplained bleeding. A doctor referred me to a gynecologist after an extensive workup, telling me he wanted me to see a specialist because he believed, even though this wasn’t his area of expertise, that I might have cancer. On April 1 ,2022, those suspicions were confirmed. I had cervical cancer, and my world came crashing down around me. I was numb, unable to understand how this could happen to me.
On May 13, I had a radical hysterectomy. On June 24th, my doctor informed me tht the cancer had spread to some lymph nodes. I spent most of July and August receiving 6 doses of chemo once a week, while also getting radiation everyday Monday – Friday for 5 weeks. My body suffered for months. So did my relationships. I’m a mother of 5 beautiful children: Jeremiah, Nehemiah, Josiah, Uriah and Tayler. Sharing this crazy life with me is my husband, Christian, of 17 years. He does his best to take care of me, while working hard for this family. We’re very proud of him.
In the fall, I became hopeful due to feeling like my pre-cancerous self. That hope led me into my Nov. 7th PET scan. With my friends, family and church behind me, my husband and I set off to Iowa City. We spent most of the day there, returning home around 4pm with the news that devastated everyone around me. The cancer had spread. There was a mass near my ovary and a couple of nodules in my lungs, leaving me with the Stage 4 diagnosis.
I wish I could say things got better, but that’s not the case. I developed pain in my hip while receiving extensive chemo. My hair fell out, my appetite decreased, along with the taste of food. So many of my favorite foods were no longer my favorites. I missed so many of my kid’s events. I developed neuropathy. My oncologist switched one of my meds to keep the neuropathy from spreading and I didn’t react well. I got extremely sick that I couldn’t eat or drink without vomiting.
Feb. began with a Covid diagnosis. I was then admitted to the hospital with bladder issues, leading them to finding a mass they couldn’t treat, and the pain was so bad I was sent to Iowa City. After several MRI’s, I received the news that the chemo was no longer working. The mass found was wrapped around my sciatic nerve. There was no chance of removing it. What was to be done now?
I’m living my life to the fullest with my husband, our children and grandson, receiving Keytruda every three weeks. I will not be dominated by thoughts of cancer. I plan to live my life fully committed to the Lord. He is the great physician and I believe that my God will not forsake me. No matter the outcome, this family will praise God.
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