Axel was born at just 30 weeks gestation and spent his first 2½ months in the NICU. When he was just 2½ years old, and only 4 days before Christmas, Axel’s parent’s received the kind of news no parent ever wants to hear, “your son has cancer”. Axel was diagnosed with ganglioneuroblastoma. In the short two weeks after Christmas, Axel spent a lot of time at the University of Iowa Children’s Hospital, undergoing many procedures: biopsy, bone marrow aspiration, port placement, and many scans.
Since then, he has completed two cycles of chemotherapy and stem cell harvest, with 3 more cycles of chemo, radiation, surgery, stem cell transplant and immunotherapy to go. All of this has the family spending a lot of time in Iowa City.
Axel is the best big brother to his sister, Aspen. He loves playing with his tractors, skid loaders, trucks and trailers and tools. His favorite thing to do is ride with dad in the skid loader moving dirt or rock. Axel’s smile could melt your heart.
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