by admin | Sep 27, 2024 | Treasure Valley, ID, Uncategorized
Meet Olibia Lomeli Cancer has no bias. It doesn’t care that you’re somebody’s mommy; that you’re growing life inside you. It doesn’t matter what you planned or where you are in life. As a 32-year-old mom of six beautiful young daughters—only two weeks postpartum and...
by admin | Sep 6, 2024 | Treasure Valley, ID, Uncategorized
MEET GENNA This year “okay” has become a huge part of my vocabulary. Since January 25th, I have lost count of how many times that I have looked at another human being, especially in the medical field and simply said “okay”. When I have been anything and...
by admin | Jun 18, 2024 | Treasure Valley, ID, Uncategorized
Meet Saylor “In the midst of midlife, raising 3 children and all that entails, the last thing you think about is cancer. Fatigue and joint pain are simply by products of a busy life. And yet, I had been exhausted for months. I took a leave of absence from work...
by admin | Dec 12, 2023 | Treasure Valley, ID, Uncategorized
Meet Bethany Zimmerman Bethany Zimmerman has unfortunately experienced a fast and furious journey with her cancer diagnosis – progressing from first hearing the words, “your endoscopy revealed that you have esophageal cancer”, to “you have stage 4 metastatic...
by admin | Oct 3, 2023 | Treasure Valley, ID, Uncategorized
Meet Jenny Carroll I was first diagnosed with stage 3 colon cancer on December 17, 2013. I was a healthy person and the shock was intense. I fought as hard as I could. My son was 13 at the time and was and is my reason for living. I am someone who loves running. I was...
by admin | May 2, 2023 | Treasure Valley, ID, Uncategorized
MEET TERRY JENSON Terry Jensen is a decorated soldier in the US Army National Guard. He never imagined that his biggest battle would not be the time he served in Iraq during Operation Iraqi Freedom in 2004-2005, but rather fighting the cancer in in own body. My Happy...
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