On October 10, 2023, Claire’s day started like any other Tuesday. She went to dance class, shopping with her mom and sister, got a blood draw, and went to the zoo to see the butterflies as a reward for being so brave at the lab. When getting in the car to go home, her pediatrician called and told us to go straight to Children’s Hospital in Omaha, where we once lived. Claire was then diagnosed with Acute Lymphoblastic Leukemia (ALL). Even though Claire had just turned 3, she handled the diagnosis and procedures with grace, bravery, and resilience. Treatment has been long and difficult. Claire has had setbacks of temporarily losing the ability to walk, having an anaphylactic reaction to medicine, losing her hair, daily pain and nausea, and never knowing what could come next.

She has fought hard through every obstacle and now is enjoying life in Mason City, her new home, going to preschool, and once again attending dance class. Having her room get a makeover will mean the world to Claire. Moving can be tough for any child, but it is especially difficult for one that has gone through so much emotional trauma. My hope for Claire is to have a special space that brings her joy every time she goes in and where she knows nothing bad will happen- there won’t be any doctors, pokes, or medicines, just pink sparkles for the stunning princess she is. Claire is now 4 years old and still has a year and a half of daily chemo pills, six lumbar punctures, and countless other medications and emergency room visits ahead of her. I know that this room can be a sanctuary for her to make it through this long treatment journey. We are beyond grateful for My Happy Place, their volunteers, and the donors for giving Claire a healing and joyful space. We want to give her the world and feel blessed that our community is gathering together to do just that.